Friday 20 November 2015

Brad Lomas - Staying Fit Over 50

Human Resources (HR) Consultant Brad Lomas, like many over-50 men, is a business professional with a sedentary job. Despite the amount of time he spends behind his desk or on the phone with clients, though, Lomas leads an active life to combat obesity and age-related illness. He stays in shape with low-impact activities to protect his body so that he can continue to age gracefully.

Walking is one of the ways that Brad Lomas keeps in shape without overdoing it for his age. He enjoys taking long walks through local Philadelphia parks in the evenings. These walks both keep him in shape and help him combat the stress of daily life. It's hard to stay stressed when you're enjoying nature in a beautiful park, getting low-impact exercise and breathing fresh air. Lomas' walks also allow him to organize his thoughts and ponder HR-related issues so he can better manage his career.

Brad Lomas

Playing outdoor games like bocce or horseshoes is another option to maintain both physical and mental health. Most outdoor games require at least one other competitor, which means that you'll socialize while getting in shape, and they keep your body moving. These games are also easy on the joints and back, which is a bonus for people over 50.

Whatever the method, exercising at any age is vital to maintaining health. Most importantly, exercise combats diabetes, heart disease, cancer and other physical ailments. In addition, it can improve your mood and help you meet new people with shared interests. Brad Lomas frequently spends time with his bocce friends, savoring evenings of competition and light physical exercise.