Thursday 30 July 2015

Lifting Weights for Gains

There are many people in the country that find some way to work out on a consistent basis. One of the most favorite ways for people to exercise is the muscle resistance activity known as lifting weights or weightlifting. This is a form of exercise that has become very popular over the last 50 years or so. It truly started to take on a wide cultural presence in the 1950s with the publication of muscle magazines which covered the physiques of athletes that were focused on competitions and photo shoots. In the 1960s, the bodybuilding culture was sort of a countercultural movement that challenged athletic sports in interesting ways in the realm of public attention. The 1970s had the over the top characters in the world of bodybuilding which included Lou Ferrigno and Arnold Schwarzenegger. 

Brad Lomas

From that point on, the physiques of professional bodybuilders started taking on more unrealistic proportions and cartoonish features. The public soon strayed from their adulation of these athletes which were clearly not living a healthy lifestyle yet espousing the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle. The 1990s introduced the performance-enhancing drug scandals into the world of traditional sports. Major scandals involving Barry Bonds, Mark McGwire and other famous athletes change the public opinion on their acceptance of performance-enhancing drugs in the sports that they love so much. Today, many athletes use weightlifting not for physique building, but for building strength and they are able to implement efficient techniques to achieve that strain to the benefit of the sport that they participate in. Brad Lomas is an active lifestyle weightlifter that is a former semiprofessional baseball player. He has used weightlifting throughout his career to help him achieve things on the field and he has done it naturally. Although he is 50 years old, he is as strong as a man half his age and because of the attention that he has paid to his health, he has never had any major injuries.