Thursday, 10 September 2015

The Benefits of Living Alone

Not every person is destined are cut out to be a parent to children. There are many advantages to being child free. Individuals that do not have children witness what families go through and the demands that children put on people. Due to a figure that says that families are getting smaller in general and many are not even happening because of cultural and professional influences, there is a likelihood that more people each year will not have any children during their lives. While some people may look at this a sad thing, for those that do not have children there are reports that say they are pleased with the decision that they have made (when it indeed has been their decision to make).

Brad Lomas

History tells us that traditional reasons for having children were largely economic. Children were guarantees of financial security, especially in old age. In modern times, retirement savings and other long-term planning have substituted that notion in the minds of people. Thankfully, people enjoy being independent and being free from financial burdens. That brings up another tradition and a reason for having children which is that loneliness in old age could be alleviated by having a number of children. The truth of the matter is that most of the population will be over age 65 in a short 20 years. It will be difficult to be lonely without many people. Brad Lomas is a 50-year-old human resources professional that enjoys his child free lifestyle and the life of a single, successful consultant.